Uploading Your Artwork:

For the best possible representation of your masterpiece, consider the following when uploading:

Scanning Options:

Stitching Larger Artwork:

If your artwork exceeds the size of your scanner, "stitching" or combining multiple scans into one image is a common solution. Softwares like Adobe Photoshop offer a Photomerge feature for this. If you don't have access to Photoshop, Microsoft Image Composite Editor is another option (please download files at your own risk). Don't worry if you're not tech-savvy; our expert graphics department can assist with the stitching process.

Photographs of Artwork:

Using photos of your artwork is perfectly acceptable. Ensure balanced lighting, avoid skewed angles, and be aware that camera color representation may slightly differ from the original artwork.

Always here to help, our brilliant graphics team can make adjustments as needed to ensure your art shines!

  • Personal Details


    We kick things off with the basics - your name, address, email, and phone number. Just the usual stuff to help us get to know you.

  • Your Artist Bio


    Share a bit about yourself, your journey, your style. We'd love to get a glimpse of the creative force behind the artwork.

  • ID Upload


    This is purely for the financial side of things - so we can make sure payouts are secure and go to the right artist. Your details are safe with us!

  • Artwork Uploads


    Show us what you've got! You can upload up to 5 pieces of your finest art. It's your time to shine.